
Thursday, 11 March 2010

Organising Ball Bands

Organising Ball Bands
Over time I've collected a large number of yarn samples which are attached to the original ball bands - just so I have a record of the washing instructions, fibre content, gauge, needle size, etc. for future reference. I had accumulated a lot of samples and had no system for retrieving the information, they were all filed in a large plastic bag! This system was in need of some sort of reorganisation.

The large jumble of paper and yarn has been reduced to a card filing system, one card for each range of yarn that I use most often. I've used one ball band (which has all the information needed), stapled it to the card, attached each colour sample I have through a hole, written the colour code or name next to each sample. I can update as needed and record when a colour is discontinued. They are now stored in a small box more like a filing system...

Materials required; pieces of card, a hole punch, a stapler (or glue), pen/pencil.