This is a project I've wanted to make for some time but resisted the urge to cast on until I finished the previous cardigan ( see post below). The pattern is the Shalom Cardigan by Meghan McFarlane of Involving the Senses blog and can be downloaded free. I do realise the weather is getting warmer and a chunky woollen knit project is not exactly what you want to be thinking about at the moment. I just happened to have the needles and yarn there ready to start. For this project I have three skeins of Louet Riverstone Bulky/Chunky 100% wool in "Willow", the recommended needle size for this yarn is 6 mm ( US 10). I'm using size 7 mm circular needles for this project - haven't gauge swatched for this! but it seems to be sizing okay so far.... This yarn is a pleasure to knit with after the Rowan Summer Tweed experience and the pattern is very easy and uncomplicated to follow which is just what I need at the moment.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Liesl Cardigan
I used Rowan Summer Tweed with size 7 mm needles to achieve this size 34 inch with an open texture. I like the finished result, the 'Summer Tweed' silk /cotton mix feels comfortable next to the skin. The pattern 'Liesl' by Ysolda is really easy to follow and I could see myself making more of these in different colours ( if I could find the time),
Monday, 12 April 2010
Summer Weeds
When this smoke blue tea towel from Skinny Laminx arrived in the post from South Africa I decided it was too nice to dry dishes with! Summer weeds print has been waiting patiently to be made into a cushion cover which I finished over the weekend. It's now sitting comfortably next to my green hand printed covers made by Kiran at Inkling Prints. (The wall art embroidery frames I made last year and talked about here).

Vintage Classic Traditional

I wouldn't want you to think that I'm a car fanatic, because I'm not! However, there's something about classic, vintage ( or traditional - a new name to me) car designs that seems to appeal. We took a detour on our Sunday morning amble ( to buy the papers ) by walking through the Heritage Centre at Elsecar. Here's what I captured with my camera phone....I love that matching green gramophone player above.

Thursday, 8 April 2010
Sunday, 4 April 2010
The Owl and The Pussycat
A Nonsense Song by Edward Lear
The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea
In a beautiful pea green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped in a five pound note.
The owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
'O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are,
You are,
You are!
What a beautiful Pussy you are!'
How charmingly sweet you sing!
O let us be married! too long we have tarried:
But what shall we do for a ring?'
They sailed away for a year and a day,
To the land where the Bong-tree grows
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his nose,
His nose,
His nose,
With a ring at the end of his nose.
'Dear pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your ring?' Said the Piggy, 'I will.'
So they took it away, and were married next day
By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand,
They danced by the light of the moon,
The moon,
The moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.

Friday, 2 April 2010
Comfort Knitting and Crochet... the title of this new book by Nora Gaughan which I can highly recommend as pure "eye candy" for the fibre enthusiast. The weather forecast for the Easter weekend is traditional "British Bank Holiday" so I'll be spending some time turning the pages of this book. I've made a start practicing a crochet motif for a bed cover. (Yes, I know, I already have lots of other projects to finish!) Here's a link to the book with more details - click here.

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